Home Hug May Update 2024

14 May 2024

April was a busy month for Home Hug. From building temples to celebrating Songkran and helping Hands Experiences Thailand with the Business Blueprint 2024 Bike Ride, there were many notable occasions to enjoy. Come along as we share these experiences...

Building Temples

Home Hug took the older boys to help build a temple in Ubon. The aim was to teach the children how to collaborate with people outside of the home on a work experience project and learn the science and art of construction building. Throughout the project, they also learned about protecting the forest and its significance in helping preserve the land for the villagers.

Building a temple in Omkoi district, Chiang Mai province was a similar experience. This project was the construction of a Buddhist temple for the Pa-ka-ka-yo tribe. The children learned about a different culture and had the opportunity to socialise with people from different backgrounds. This prepares them for attending schools and universities far away from home.

Home Hug Songkran Festival

The Songkran festival in Thailand is an occasion to express appreciation for the elderly. Home Hug's mission in their community aims to combat societal stigma surrounding HIV by fostering acceptance. Through a ritual of pouring water into the hands of elderly monks, they aim to cultivate love and understanding among adults towards children affected by HIV. This practice also serves to bridge generational gaps, as children learn alongside their peers and elders. Additionally, the children express remorse for any perceived misbehavior by pouring water over their parents' and all staff members' hands.

Helping with the Hands Across the Water Business Blueprint 2024 Bike Ride

Two staff members from Home Hug, along with three older boys, participated in Hands Across the Water's Business Blueprint 2024 Bike Ride in the southern region. The staff and older boys collaborated with Hands Experiences Thailand to support the riders from Business Blueprint throughout their five-day, 500-kilometer journey. They contributed by organising and managing the water stops each day of the ride, as well as assisting with bike maintenance and repairs at the end of each day's journey.

Crafts & Culture

Exploring craft and culture at Home Hug involved introducing the children to the art of sculpting with air-curing clay, a beautiful and robust material. This medium not only allows for creative expression but also contributes to environmental preservation since it hardens naturally without the need for firing, thus mitigating the impact on the planet. Additionally, Home Hug organised a special outing to Hua Hin beach, offering the children a rare chance to experience the seaside, a departure from their usual inland surroundings. At the beach, they engaged in various art activities, including an art therapy session. As part of their cultural experience, they also took part in a ritual of pouring water on a Buddha image, symbolizing a wish for happiness and well-being.

The children at Home Hug are looking forward to the start of a new semester with eager anticipation, especially as some prepare to embark on their studies in other provinces. This expansion of educational opportunities fills our hearts at Hands with joy, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated supporters for helping to make these opportunities possible.