Sophie Goldsmith

I am raising money to support the children of Hands Across the Water because I believe that all children deserve to build a future full of possibilities, opportunities and dreams - a life of choice, not chance.

Twenty years ago, in 2005, I spent 6 months working in Thailand identifying the victims of the Boxing Day tsunami. It wasn't just Thailand affected but that was where we, Australian experts in disaster victim identification, were sent.
We faced over 5000 bodies.
We formed an international identification team supporting the Thai operation – the largest identification operation ever attempted. We were tasked with giving these people back their name, the name they were given when they were born and carried throughout their lives and now to ensure they could be returned to their families.
It was a massive undertaking, but proudly the Australians stood up and took the lead. I worked alongside people from over 30 countries. It left an indelible impression on everyone who worked
there, me included.
I worked alongside Pete for so much of my journey in Thailand. It changed his life, as it did mine, but from it he built Hands Across the Water. He couldn’t bear the fact that there were children orphaned
by the tsunami. I have watched Hands grow over the years not knowing when I would be able to contribute. But it is clear to me now, that after 20 years, I can contribute.
Embarking on this challenge personally acknowledges my part, but mostly honours the families and all of the children impacted.
I am so proud to ride and fundraise for Hands, and can't wait to visit Baan Tharn Namchai, the first home built for the children, where the 800km ride will end.
I will be hosting some fundraising events in the coming year, but if you are able to donate to help me reach my target, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for your support.

Hands Across the Water is an Australian Registered Charity and have a TGR status for all donations over $2 which you can claim back on your tax.

My Achievements

Updated Profile

Shared page

Received first donation

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Karl Kent

Dear Sophie You are such an extraordinary woman. Your work in Thailand was exemplary and made such a contribution for so many. I am so proud to call you my friend and colleague. Wishing you all the best with the ride. Luv always. Karl.


Chris Niall

How could you say no. Very aware of the impact this had on you and so impressed by what you are here to help. No words my friend.


Mike Morris

Good luck Sophie, anything I can do to help, please let me know.


Chris Duffy


Deb Warren

Amazing Sophie. What a fantastic cause and super effort on your part xx



Coooow, you are amazing! Get it girl.



Much love to you Soph, this journey will provide so much healing for you and everyone touched by this awful event.. 800kms is huge!! Get pedalling 💜


Diana Barrett

Fabulous cause. Good luck with your ride, you are an amazing lady.



When I’m having a « so called » bad day you have given me anew perspective and reminder about what life is all about. I Hope you smash this fundraising and the course. Get on your bike girlfriend.


Maree Ascher

Such a great thing to do. You Go girl 🙌



My goodness Soph, I can’t believe this was 20 years ago. I know how much it affected you


Belinda And Cliff

Go you good thing. I'm so proud of you ❤️