Kate Ashton

My Activity Tracking


My target 1000 kms

I am raising money to support the children of Hands Across the Water because I believe that all children deserve to build a future full of possibilities, opportunities and dreams - a life of choice, not chance.

Hands Across the Water [Hands] started as a charity in response to the Boxing Day Tsunami. Now we support 350+ children living in 7 homes and projects across Thailand. 

The kids who come to live in a Hands home are there because they have no choice. This is often the result of one of three heartbreaking situations:

  • They have no known family to care for them
  • They have a family member who is known to them, but is unable to care for them
  • They are living in an unsafe environment and have been placed in our care by the police or government

Hands not only provides the life-saving necessities for the kids in our homes, they also support many families in an outreach program to help keep kids out of our homes.

Just as important as filling their bellies with healthy food and providing a safe bed to sleep in, with the support of amazing donors like you, the vision of Hands is to help these kids see the opportunities that lie before them, to see a life of choice.

My hope is that you will make the choice to join me in this experience and help me reach my personal fundraising goal. Please make a donation today to support these children and provide them with a better future. 

Together we can truly make a difference - Donate now!

My Achievements

Updated Profile

Shared page

Received first donation

Reached 50% of Fundraising Goal

Reached 100% of Fundraising Goal

My Updates

15 weeks to go

Sunday 3rd Mar
Recent weeks have unfolded in a whirlwind of work commitments, compounded by bushfires and storms reminiscent of tornadoes in our area, leaving little room for cycling. Yet, today marked a triumphant return to the saddle after a refreshing sleep, with an ambitious goal of 80 km that culminated in a 60 km ride against a robust headwind, which, in reality, felt even stronger. It's a rejuvenating feeling to cycle again, especially with just 15 weeks left until our big ride for Mary. The roads were pleasantly quiet, and it seems the local potholes are becoming less of an obstacle. Whether I'm walking or cycling (though I have a strong preference for the latter), I've committed to donating a dollar for every kilometre to the charity that holds my dedication. While I'm in search of major sponsors to support my training phase, I remain optimistic about their forthcoming participation. Additionally, I'm organizing a trivia night on Friday, May 10, as a fun fundraiser, hoping it garners significant attendance and boosts our charity contributions.

Hot day

Sunday 11th Feb
The summer has finally arrived in Victoria and I was back on the bike early, completing a 81 km ride so far this month have cycles 157km 
Every kilometre I ride, I donate dollar to assist my fundraising to reach the target of $10,000. 

All assistance is gratefully received to help me provide others

New Social Media page launch

Sunday 28th Jan
I'm excitedly preparing for another 'Hand Across the Water' cycling challenge this June with my friend Julie  Anne Ball and our team. We're committed to biking 500 km across Thailand in five days, aiming to gather essential funds for needy children.

This will mark my fourth participation in this meaningful event, and I've already committed to the 2025 ride!

Every contribution we receive helps provide opportunities to children, opportunities we often overlook in our privileged lives. As I train diligently in my free time, I'm gearing up for what promises to be another unforgettable journey.

I'm also planning fundraising events soon, I will invite you
 to join in. 
To add more impact, I pledge to donate $1 for every kilometre I cover in training ( walking or cycling) So far in January, I have done 313 km. Is anyone else willing to match my contribution?  22 weeks until i go !

 Generous supporters donating over $500 will be featured on my training jersey and acknowledged in my social media updates. And you  know how i love  socials  Let's make a difference together!

Thank you to my Sponsors



Great initiative and happy to support!


Crowders Real Estate


Allister Morrison -ballarat Real Estate Pty Ltd

Donation from Ballarat Real Estate Pty Ltd


Kate Ashton


Real Estate Kate Training, January 313 Km


Jessica Dart

Team name ‘Animal experts’


Tanja Lee & Dr Matt

Keep peddling honey, we're right behind you! Go change the world. Big love Tanj & Dr Matt


Carolyn Wood

What a fantastic cause!! Best of luck! We will be cheering you on from afar!


Real Estate Kate



Jasmin Ashton

So proud of you xx


Driscoll Hm

Love your work Kate!


Diane Heyen


The Alchemic Way

Go Kate Go! Good on you for always changing the lives of others. Keep the pedals turning and the smile beaming! Lots of love Tanj and Matt




Raffle Credit (as Of 31 March)


Kim Mulrooney

Great job Kate